Contact Us

Wembley Junior Football Club (Inc.) 
P.O. Box 134
Wembley  WA  6913
ABN: 81 575 673 539

The Wembley Junior Football Club has an enthusiastic Committee building a club where community spirit, respect and fair play is central.

We are always keen to hear from parents interested in joining our Committee or volunteering to help in many areas such as coaching, managing teams, first aid, goal umpiring, cooking sausages, equipment and line marking, sponsorship, helping with our newsletters and website or just lending a hand.

If you want to get involved, speak to your child's coach or manager or one of our Committee members.

Auskick games - Pat Goodridge Oval

 Junior Football Map: 

Feel free to email us or one of the members of our Committee.

If you would like to submit a query, or just leave some general comments. Please fill out the form below.

 * Required

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